Tuesday 9 February 2016

the power of giving

One day, the Jews passing close to the Prophet, then he uttered: Assam 'alayka (upon death).

He replied: 'Alayka (upon you). Then his companions said he greetings upon you with a greeting death, he berkta: death upon you. The Prophet SAW said: "Likewise the answer."

Then the Prophet said: "Verily this Jew of his neck is bitten by an animal that is black and turned it off."

Then, the Jews went looking for firewood, and he brings a lot of firewood. Rasulullah SAW was not leaving, when Jews were again pass nearby and not dead.

So, the Prophet said to him: "Put the wood would burn" Apparently in the firewood that there are black animals as stated by the Prophet.

Then the Prophet asked, "O Jews, charity what are you doing?"

He replied, "I do not have a job but are looking for firewood as I take and I brought two pieces of bread, and then I ate one piece and one-piece else I sedekahkan to the poor"

Thus, the Prophet SAW said: "With the charity that God saved him."

Furthermore, he said: "Alms can save mankind from a bad death."

referensi : http://yusufmansur.com/sedekah-itu-menyelamatkanmu/

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